Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Election update: As you are all undoubtedly aware, there are 3 seats up for re-election on the Gilbert Public Schools Board in November. Many of you attended our August EVAN meeting and had the opportunity to meet one of the candidates, EJ Anderson, and ask her questions relevant to our community. Adelaida Severson, another school board candidate, is coming to our October EVAN meeting, and is pleased to answer your questions about herself and her position on school board issues. Katie, Holly, and I have spent a reasonable amount of time with both candidates hearing their philosophies, and are proud to support both of them in pursuing 2 out of the 3 open seats on the board. Please check out the section on the right hand side of the blog titled,"Politics Relevant to YOU," and find the links for both Adelaida and EJ. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE express to every Gilbert voter you know that the autism community supports these fine women and NEEDS them on the board for all of our children in GPS. THANK YOU!!! AUTISM PARENTS ROCK!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Higley has three seats open on their board as well. There will be a meeting at the barn in Power Ranch at 6:30 on Tuesday, the 30th. I am not as up on the canidates as I should be, but please come and get educated with me! We all know that Higley could use some change.